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(717) 665-2283Horse Farm Insurance
Horse farms come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Hobby farms and large boarding stables both need property and liability insurance coverage to protect against unexpected losses. Horse farm insurance can offer the equine enthusiast coverage and peace of mind wherever they travel with their horses.
Horse owners take animals off-premises more than other types of farms. Horse farms also have increased liability exposures due to higher levels of public involvement with equine events. At Ruhl Insurance, we provide coverage for every kind of horse farm. Horse farm insurance covers all aspects of your operations.
Horse Farm Insurance Includes:
- Coverage for your home dwelling
- Coverage for the contents of your home
- Coverage for additional rental dwellings or stable apartments including Loss of Rents coverage
- Coverage for you barns, arenas, run-in sheds, and other agricultural buildings
- Coverage for your farm equipment including coverage for intake of foreign objects
- Coverage for your farm products- hay, grain, feed, seed, fertilizer, supplements, etc.
- Peak Season Inventory Endorsements
- Care, Custody, and Control for Boarding Operations
- Commercial and Personal Liability
- General Liability
- Boarding Liability
- Liability for off-premises shows
- Liability for hosting clinics on the farm
- Liability for wagon rides
- Premises Liability
- ATV/Unlicensed Farm Truck Liability
- Liability for Incidental Business Pursuits other than farming
Other Common Endorsements Include:
- Identity Theft Expense Coverage
- Backup of Sewers and Drains
While horse farms present different risks than other types of farms, the options for Equine owners are still extensive and coverage can be matched with your insurance needs. Discussing the kind of insurance you need to properly insure your equine operation is a conversation that should be had today. Contact a Ruhl Insurance agent at (717) 665-2283 to talk about obtaining an affordable Horse Farm Insurance Policy.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is there a limit to how many horses I can have on my property?
With some insurance providers, eligibility requirements will limit the number of horses on a property. If there are more than their allowable limit, they may choose to not offer a quote. Other carriers may not have stipulations for owned horses, but may not be comfortable with large boarding exposures and will ask questions about how many stalls are available to boarders, how many non-owned horses are on the premises, or how many boarders the insured has.
I want to have my friends over to ride my horses, am I covered?
Your horse farm insurance policy should cover you for guests riding horses on your premises. Some carriers try to limit the amount of public participation that occurs on premises. They may not be comfortable with guests bringing their own horses to your premises to ride on trails unsupervised, or they may not write a policy if the insured is giving riding lessons at the farm for a fee.
This constitutes a business operation and is looked at differently from a liability standpoint. Other insurance companies will only provide liability for on-premises riding lessons if the student is using their own horse. Ask your Ruhl Insurance agent what coverage your carrier provides for this exposure.
I hired part-time stable help, do I need Worker’s Compensation insurance?
You are required by law to carry Worker’s Compensation insurance if you employ more than one worker or that worker earns over $1,200 or works 30 days or more in a year. Stable class Worker’s Compensation is a hard class to place and not many carriers will provide coverage for it.
Ruhl Insurance has Worker’s Compensation options for the stable classification when the Worker’s Compensation policy is written in conjunction with a horse farm insurance policy. If you need stable class Worker’s Compensation insurance and you do not have a property policy, you will more than likely have to obtain coverage through the State Worker’s Insurance Fund.
My horse kicked someone at a show, does my Farm Insurance policy provide coverage?
Yes, your Farm Insurance policy can provide coverage against bodily injury or property damages caused by a horse you own while you are off your farm premises at a show.
Equine Participation Laws protect horse owners from liability lawsuits stemming from equine-related activities, so why do I need liability insurance?
Not purchasing liability because of Equine Participation laws is one of the common mistakes to avoid when buying horse farm insurance. Equine Participation laws are still relatively new in the tort system. Until there is more case law we do not know exactly how the laws will be interpreted in varying situations. One thing we do know is that child participants cannot assume their own risk, meaning you could still be liable if your horse injures a child.
Furthermore, if you are at a show and your horse gets loose, it could possibly travel to an area that is not allocated for equine activities and injure someone, or wind up on the road where it causes property damage to a motor vehicle, in which case the injured party could not be considered a participant.
Also, just because someone may not win a lawsuit in court does not mean they will not take you there. Defense costs can be crippling. Insurance companies spend over $18 Billion per year just to defend their clients. Even if you are found to be not-at-fault, the cost of proving that without insurer paid defense can be extremely damaging to your business.